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owner:       Thorold (Thor) May            Chinese name: Méi Tianxiào     Korean name: Mei Cheon-so
address:     Department of English, Bansong Campus of Youngsan University
             249 Bansong-Dong, Haeundae-Ku, Pusan 612743, South Korea
telephone:   [+82 051] 545 9484
position:    Lecturer in English Language 
last update: December 2002                                

Table of Contents
1.  Philosophy...a rough brew of ideas
2.  Poems
3.  Political Debate  ... a bit of polemic
4.  Inventions & Ideas ...  the odd idea to kick around
5.  Stories ... tales from long ago and far away
6.  Technical Reports and Technical Writing
7.  Technical Stuff (Linguistics )
8.  Language Teaching Methodology & Critique  ... a selection of papers
9.  Samples of ESL Teaching Materials ... brain surgery with a blunt axe
10.  Self  ... in which our hero advertises himself

11.  Stumpy and the Decision Tree - a daggy tale growing bit by bit (Australian argot)

12.  Thor's China Diary (August 1998 - July 2000)

13.  Thor's Korea Diary (September 2000 ~ )

14.  Thor's Unwise Ideas - a forum for The Passionate Skeptic with regular additions
15. Your Comments
16. Links to Other Sites

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1. Philosophy ... a rough brew of ideas
2. Poems
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3. Political Debate  ... a bit of polemic
4. Inventions & Ideas ...  the odd idea to kick around
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5. Stories ... tales from long ago and far away
Stumpy and the Decision Tree : a daggy epic of the unexpected (growing day by day)
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6. Technical Reports and Technical Writing

	Consultancy Report on a Technical English Program for P.T. Koba Tin, Indonesia

7. Technical Stuff(Linguistics )
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8. Language Teaching Methodology & Critique
           ... a selection of papers
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9. Samples of ESL Teaching Materials ...
         brain surgery with a blunt axe