acn 1116240s Word Hospital *** Professional Editinga home for crafted words: your documents and stories put to the world |
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Sending files
- You can send a text file as part of an e-mail. This is the most reliable method.
- You can attach a file to the e-mail. This usually works, but attachments of one megabyte or more should be broken up into shorter files and sent in separate e-mails. Some servers will not accept attachments of more than one megabyte.
- You can mail or deliver a floppy disk (3.5", 1.2Mb).
- PFL can fetch files from your internet site by ftp(file transer protocol)if you give us a password. We do not, at present, have our own ftp address.
Document formats:
Best: *.rtf (rich text format) keeps your formatting. In MS Word, go to the Save as type box in the Save As menu. We find that working with *.rtf in MS Word we can quickly mark editorial changes for you by using a different font colour.
- Most word processors can save in *.rtf.
- If you are using a very recent edition of MS Word (e.g. Word 8), try to remove any macros before you save in *.rtf; (we have found that macros sometimes create problems).
Other formats: We can handle most document formats. Let us know of your needs.
What PFL does not do
1. PFL is not a general secretarial service.2. PFL does not, at the moment, do translations from other languages.
- Finished materials will be returned in electronic form, usually as an e-mail attached document in *.rtf format (or MS Word, or other format if requested).
- We can also exchange documents on floppy disk.
- We are not in the business of typing up material for its own sake, binding it elaborately, and so on.
- We can check that your translations are written in perfect English.
3.. PFL is not a specialized résumé (employment history) service.
- We will edit résumés if requested, and have some experience in the field. However, there are many companies devoted to preparing nothing but employment résumés. They can probably do the best job for the least cost in that area.
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Thank you for your enquiry. e-mail
or call any time +82 (51) 545 9484 (South Korea)The Plain & Fancy Language Company
acn 1116240s [Australian Company Number]Thor May , proprietor
M.A. (Linguistics), P'grad. Dip. Tchg., RSA /CTEFLASpecialist in English Language