Thor's Aphorisms
1988 to 2002
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The Passionate Skeptic
[and what this website stands for
I don't care what you believe in, so long as you don't believe in it too strongly. A belief is a weapon in the armoury of your heart, and its razor edge will murder the innocent. The ice, the fire of your passion will seduce mundane men and women. Your clarity will excite respect. And the first demagogue who comes along with a key to your heart's armoury will wrest the weapon from your moral grasp. The first cause which wears the colours of your belief will enlist you as a soldier in ravaging crusades. Peace friend. Keep your passion to doubt with. Our civilization is a simple matter of live and let live, of giving dreams a go, but stepping back with a wry smile when we get it wrong. Let the fundamentalists perish in their own pillars of fire. Spare a dollar for the living, and have a nice day. - Thor @1 November 1991
Aphorisms are supposed to be crisp and wise. Hmm, there is duplicity in simplicity, and turmoil in quietetude .. but the unlucky Chinese actress who uttered those words was sent to a prison camp by Mao Zedong's bad, mad wife. So take care. Thor's aphorisms aren't always, or even often wise, but you can clean your teeth on them, and then decide whether to swallow. They aren't always crisp either. That comes from being a sludge, not Oscar Wilde. In fact, a lot of the squeaks and squiggles below are cut down versions of longer arguments that your can find in Notes To Myself from The Bottom of theWorld, The Atheist's Catechism, and even from an autobiography in rough verse, The Wrong Address. Maybe all an aphorism reveals is it's author's mind. Looking at this stuff, I don't always admire what I see, but there comes a time when you stop apologising for whoever you happen to be. Enjoy.
150. High Life
@Monday February 10
In the beginning we were were riding our bicycle high on a mountain razorback, but it didn't seem like that. The wooly white clouds about our ankles hid the precipice on either side. We were supremely confident. Then as the years passed, the clouds thinned, and we caught momentary glimpses of the chasms below. At first we dismissed our terror as a passing dream. Then one day in sickness the clouds about the mountain ridge wholly cleared, and we were teetering up there in the chilly blue yonder. The full reality of our precarious position made us numb with fright. The bicycle wobbled. Mercifully the sickness passed, and we clawed back enough of the old illusions to stay sane for the moment. Such is life.
149. Sunshine
@Saturday 1 February
The authority for leadership group can be built on several scaffolds, but in the end the supporting beams are all mental contructs. One of those constructs can be fear. When fear is removed, so is the support. Another can be misinformation, somtimes embedded over a whole lifetime. When the misinformation is corrected (not easy), support for the leadership evaporates. Yet other constructs can be hope and ideology. These too can be corroded by experience, until the leader is standing on a mere husk of illusion. Finally, there is the mental wasteland of despair and the opiate of apathy. A beacon, an opportunity, can transform this landscape beyond the recognition or control of the most entrenched ruling class. For those who would promote 'regime change', from within or without a political entity, potent tools are therefore readily at hand. OK, the thug with the key to the castle may want a punch up, but make sure he's standing alone in the middle of the football field. Shooting the spectators makes you a war criminal too, no matter whose god is on your side. And you'd better not be a louse or a liar yourself when the smoke clears. Let us be contemporary. Were Iraqis to love America (impossible after a generation of American betrayal and contempt), few would stand to fight for Saddam Hussien. If South Korea's Sunshine Policy is able to touch and pursuade ordinary North Koreans, few will stand and defend Kim Jung-il's gangster clique when the moment of truth arrives.
148. Security
@Wednesday 29 January 2003
Just as there is a gradient from rule by force to rule by consent , so there are two poles of security to be sought by individuals and by states. The first kind of security is that which is imposed by terror. We speak here of systematic terror as opposed to the anarchic terror of the fanatic or brigand. Systematic terror is the most primitive form of control, practised by pack leaders amongst animals, by Mafia bosses, and still by a large number of so-called governments world wide. It is a simple idea, but requires an ever multiplying network of enforcers. Where technology can supplant enforcers, it tends to encourage a huge investment of money in armour. Rule by terror can preserve a kind of fragile physical security for the favoured. It is ultimately fatal to creativity and civil society; (the dramatic creation, then ossification of the Soviet Union was the most striking case study for this pattern in our era).
The second pole of security is that which comes from goodwill amongst individuals and amongst states. Laws are still necessary, but they draw on general consent and trust. This kind of security nourishes creativity, diversity, and civil society. Modern democratic societies are based on the premise that general security can be preserved in an open environment, and that goodwill amongst large groups of people is a better design for living than oppression of the many by the few
Since rule by consent and empire are incompatible, aspirants to empire have always foregone goodwill for tyranny, often behind a thin veil of formal etiquette. In the transition from an open society to empire, we find that rulers learn to despise democracy at home and fear it abroad. This wins temporary political control for small power elites, but inevitably sows the seed of future conflict. (The United States has vacillated on the cusp of such a transition to empire for half a century now) .
147. Friendships hostage on the altar of
@12 January 2003
Male sexuality is a timid mechanism that generally requires either male dominance or female promiscuity to respond (yeah, my libido too). Luckily illusion can also be a working substitute for the machine. Feminine promiscuity and apparent submission together make the most potent aphrodisiac for men, while aggressive female promiscuity is often a turnoff. Since a free woman may have no inclination to be submissive, the tendency of human cultures where men get control is to oppress women to keep their balls working. Will a daily viagra make all this unnecessary? Now TV is brewing a mixed soup of cultural ideals. We have yet to see if the vast Internet culture of pornography, with its electron fence around physical aggression, can leave space at last for truly equal friendships between men and women back on earth, or set these two very different genders on separate tracks, or further legitimize the old power grids, or do something of all three.
146. Honesty
and Deception
November 2002
From our innermost debates to the most public issues of policy, there is a constant struggle between honesty and deception. Each has its rewards and penalties, material and spiritual. Whether it is friendship or enmity, sex or power, education or intuition, religion or science, employment or recreation, economics or politics, nationalism or globalization, ... there is no field of human activity where this contest is not central.
The greatest material rewards normally accrue from hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is the appearance of honesty with the conscious substance of deception. Conscious deception offers maximum flexibility, especially where relationships are temporary or impersonal. It is also an escape when courage fails.
The greatest spiritual rewards for many people accrue from self-deception. Self-deception is the appearance of honesty with the unconscious substance of deception. Self-deception can be spiritually rewarding for the conforming mind. Weak honesty (guileless intention) is often socially welcome amongst mere mortals, as opposed to saints.
Strong honesty (self-tested intention) is elusive, even for those who seek it. There is the constant risk of self-deception. It is frequently unrewarded or punished. At best, strong honesty is uncool to the trendy, the fearful, and the morally compromised. It also a threat to the ambitious. Why, therefore, is such honesty sometimes attractive? Well, it seems to offer the most secure personal satisfaction, especially when maintained against discouraging odds. Those communities and economies which maximize honesty may also be the most emotionally secure and satisfying environments in which to live. When a community or a life is neither emotionally secure nor satisfying, it is probably time to re-examine its honesty quotient.
145. Foreign Objects
@13 November 2002
Working across cultures, pananoia sprouts faster than fungus in a pair of dirty socks.
144. Fooling Around
@9 November 2002
Nearly everyone can be relied upon to fool themselves about nearly everything nearly all of the time. Only propagandists are too dim to know this.
143. Grand Transitions
@2 November 2002
The transition from fascist fiat, religious tyranny, military dictatorship, or communist state management to private capitalism may do something for efficiency. However, it almost always leaves the same psychopaths and thieves in control. This is the way of the human world, and has ever been thus. When the criminal class is taken off welfare, it has to get back to sustainable extortion. The evidence on newly privatized crime seems to be that it takes at least a generation to acquire a discreet cloak of respectability.
142. Sweet and
@25 August 2002
Failure has kept me honest, if that's what you call looking in a mirror without the magic trick of wish-fulfilment. Failure is a leash, not so much on vanity as on the untrammeled and sometimes dangerous exuberance of easy success. In dark moments I think of Sun Wukung, the over-gifted and mischievous Monkey King beloved in Chinese literature ( Hsi Yu Chi - 'The Journey to the West' ) who was restrained but never subdued, and kept finally to a good purpose, by a tightening golden band about his brow.
141. So What Will You Do When You Grow
@25 August 2002
You want a career? Your first decision is which of the seven deadly sins to make a dollar at. The second problem is how to dress your choice in rich robes of virtue. The third task is the most difficult. That is how to moderate your appetites, for each sin lightly tasted is a spice to life, but heavily indulged is poison to the soul. Finally, know thyself, not only at the beginning of the journey, but also at the end. It is a rare professor, laden with degrees and publications, who can see his vanity reflected in the honours. Nor is the burden of his own greed sensed by the captain of industry, even as it dulls his judgement. And the president or prime minister who trumpets pride in his country is surely making a virtue, not of the nation, but of Pride, to whose blind guidance he has long since surrendered.
140. Trust
@30 June 2002
That state of mind which gives us freedom to act is governed by trust. Trust is the first pillar of civilized living. It is fairly easy to maintain trust in a village society, difficult in a city, and extremely difficult in a complex modern economy. Religion is a wishful super solution to the trust problem. I for one trust in no god. The best mortal answer I can find is to seek in others that honesty which I expect of myself. Without trust in our environment, in human relationships, and in the institutions of our cultures, we are reduced to a savage horde. It follows that those who counterfeit frust for short term gain are the enemies of civilization.
139. For You,
Or Against You?
@15 May 2002
So are we for you or against you? The man in the Harlequin mask is neither for nor against you, at first. He is for himself. But if you ask once too often he may be against you. Remember, both your favourite dictator and the Roman Empire went looking for enemies. In the end they found or invented enough of them to bring the house down.
138. Final
@15 May 2002
There are no final solutions this side of death. In the people business, final solutions mean murder. "Solve", after all, is an active verb. The psychology of genocide requires that cruel simplification. It comes with a certain mind-set. We think about these things when we hear of a "final solution to terrorism". Whose terrorist? Whose voice against tyranny? Whose comfort zone? What change in the human genetic inheritance?
@14 May 2002
For those men and women bedazzled by power, submission and dominance shape their mental landscape. Force is the social engine that most of them understand and respect. Leaders, politicians, managers, authority figures, femme fatales ... as a group tend to get a buzz, probably a sexual buzz, from submission. The spiritual submission to this god or that fits easily with such a worldview. Personally, the whole paradigm strikes me as a perversion. But these folk aren't going to go away. They just have to be rendered as harmless as possible to the rest of us, mostly with laughter.
136. Body
@12 May 2002
Managing your body is tougher than managing any business. The competition is out to liquidate you. Within a few years they will blow you away, whatever you do. Every time you think the operating formula is just right, something breaks, and you have to figure out a whole new mix of rules. When you stop learning new body lore, you start to die.
Mostly Rational
@8 May 2002
People are motly rational about smelting incoherent premises into armour plated conclusions. The older they get, the crazier their already crazy certainties become.
Born Lucky
@29 April 2002
Some peole are lucky, some are seen to be lucky, and some go to hell trying to get lucky.
Whatever It Was
@1 April 2002
He said it
Whatever it was,
But I cannot now be sure
That he knew
Whatever it was,
For the season's passed
And last year's
choicest cut
Has baggy knees and a pot belly.
But hey, whatever it
Who wants to know
A middle-aged poem
142. Dead is an Adjective, to Die is a VerbIf, when life had finally lost its sparkle, I can get to being dead without having to actually die, then I shall be extremely satisfied. The adjective is simply life at rest, but that verb, ah, it is the stuff of nightmares.
141. Gobalization
@25 March 2002
A fake British Parker pen, emblazoned with the Stars and Stripes, really made in China but smuggled over the Vietnamese border, where it was picked up by a Korean computer analyst on a contract job, also my student, who upon returning to Busan in South Korea gave it gift-wrapped to me, an Australian, as a hopeful bribe for a favourable grade so he could emigrate to America.
Wise and Technical
@23 March 2002
With the first cooking fire to burn down a grass hut, technology exceeded the human ability to manage it. The balance of technology and wisdom has been precarious ever since. Now technology available to rich states and corporations so far exceeds the understanding of their managers that our survival from day to day can only be considered an accident.
Rudyard Kipling grasped the terms of this contract over a century ago :
But remember please the
Law by which we live,
We are not built to comprehend a lie,
We can neither
love nor pity nor forgive.
If you make a slip in handling us you die
[The Secret of Machines]
@17 March 2002
The habit of excluding other people goes by many names. There are times when we all want solitude or intimacy, or at least an escape from the maddening crowd. If only that were the limit of exclusion! So often exclusion is a retreat to fear, for such is the basic nature of egotism, sexism, cronyism, nepotism, gangsterism, fascism, racism, tribalism, tyranny, colonialism, nationalism, imperialism, religious exclusion, caste exclusion, social class exclusion ... and so on. The label mutates as easily as a simple cold virus, but its source is the same. The common result of infection by the exclusivist virus is loss all around. Loss of laughter, opportunity, wealth. Loss of almost anything that can be lost. The gains are meagre, mean things like pride and the power to inflict pain.
138. Is your brand showing
@6 March 2002
The man or woman with a "good" university degree is valued for the same reason that a Rolex watch is valued, or an expensive restaurant meal, or a brand name tube of toothpaste are valued. The academic degree, the high price and the brand name are stamps of guaranteed quality. The stamp is what matters. Whether the quality is actually there rarely interests the world at large. I have an excellent watch which cost $16, and use perfectly good unbranded toothpaste. I have met enough clueless graduates (yes, PhDs too), and marked enough lacklustre graduate papers, to assume nothing at all about the annointed who come bearing diplomas. But in the job market, the marriage market, the status market, you had better have a brand label tatooed on your forehead.
The Cyborg, your child
@27 February 2002
Cyborgs get a bad press. In a few short generations however, our descendants will be only partly human. The foundations of nanotechnology, and many other technologies, being laid at the moment guarantee this transition, short of some cataclysmic collapse of civilizations in the meantime. When our cyborg descendants come into their inheritance, the genes we bequeath them will be mere building blocks in the startup Leggo kit, to be used, changed or disgarded. More important perhaps will be the memes we bequeath them - the infectious clusters of ideas, from cake recipes to summer dress fashions, to the values we have fought to defend or abuse as prisoners to our hormones. If genes are the templates for toenails and appetites, then memes are the templates for what we teach our children, and will be for your child, the cyborg.
Who owns this Law?
@15 February 2002
Nothing so troubles folk as their varied understanding of the rules we live by. This difference tracks right back to the grand genetic poker game, but is easiest to measure as an attitude to power. Shoulder to shoulder around the table we can start with the P-Conservatives (power-conservatives shading into fascists), while facing off across the card deck are W-Liberals (wishy-washy liberals, shading into populists - where they may brush fingertips with the fascists). The P&W brands mix and match in many a gaudy style.
Type 1 > P-Conservative Habits > Those boldest in raising the patriotic flag are also quickest to treason of the general human interest. That is, a P-Conservative spirit instinctively frames the Law as a vehicle for self-interest. It is rigidly imposed on the weak, but is quickly abandoned when it threatens self-loss. Revolution is a licence for personal gain.
Type 2 > W-Liberal Habits > Those most irreverent of tradition are the last defenders of freedom when tyranny is abroad. That is, the W-Liberal may be mischievous in love and wayward in his career, but instinctively expects the Law to be an equal arbiter and himself, at times, to be a loser in the game. It is communal injustice rather than perceived personal injustice, which drives him to revolt, yet every revolution betrays his generosity.
Moving On
@6 February 2002
There is the good news and the bad news. That is, there are two cultural styles, often in schizophenic cohabitation. One culture looks sqarely at a problem, then fixes it. Culture two denies there is any problem, and stagnates. Culture one is swift American bankruptcy law; culture two is the Japanese and Chinese banking systems. Culture one is efficient second language learning by north Europeans and many tribal peoples. Culture two is the grotesque failure of second language learning by Americans and other English speakers. Culure one is the admission of war guilt and moral renewal by Germans. Culture two is the denial of systematic abuses in WW2 by Japanese, or in the Chinese revolution by Chinese (and similarly for many other nations..). Culture one is the effective prohibition on personal firearms in most stable states. Culture 2 is the deadly contagion of private guns in America in the name of "freedom". Culture one is the intelligent redesign of social customs to humanize dense urban living amongst strangers. Culture two is the dogmatic survival of subsistence peasant values and habits, and of feudal structures, in new cities around the world.
134. Rumours of Magic
@20 December
Religions are organized rumours of magic for Muggles.
133. The Ideal Destination
December 2001
Every cynic is a born again idealist. Every sentimental child will one day pick the eyes out of her teddybear.
132. Living Like Sinners, Dying Like
@11 December 2001
The average ambition of both genders in every age and culture is to live like a sinner but die like a saint. This defines contentment, and has profound consequences for individuals, for all human relationships, and for every institution from the family to the state.
Most individuals eventually arrive at some inner balance between yielding to temptation (for chocolate, sex or mayhem..) and virtue (self-restraint, generosity, sacrifice ... ). If such things could be quantified, those private balances would be distributed along a bell curve, with a few extremists at each end. Cultures though often assign unequal permission for sin and sainthood to men and women. As men have seized institutional power, they have demanded inhuman virtue from women while granting themselves libertine favours. Where this occurs, the potential of both genders is stunted; psychosis develops.
The national equivalent of sin and sainthood is the secular and the devine. Again, a balance is essential. The state which claims all moral authority will surely end up with none. (Modern examples of such failure are the communist experiment in countries like Russia and China, as well as totalitarian states like Nazi Germany). Where spiritual leaders claim major secular power, they too lose all moral respect. (Modern examples are the Taliban in Afghanistan and the mullahs in Iran. The medieval Roman church in Europe had a similar problem).
131. Of Grace and Spite
@3 December
Each of us lives by the grace of those we despise. The jobs you loathe are done for you by someone who doesn't share your tastes. Your job is funded by the taxes and spending of people, here and abroad, whom you wouldn't trust with a cent. Your superior habits, beliefs, religion, civilization and knowledge float like a blessed isle in the dark ocean of surrounding ignorance, and you live in secret fear of being engulfed. Well, bless the dark ocean, for you float upon it. When the seas of difference become a burning lake, your hide will be roasted. He who lives by the pogrom dies by the pogrom.
A Teacher's Job
@3 December 2001
A teacher's job is first to create memories worth keeping, then to inspire their recall, and finally to show students how their memories may be applied to live problem solving. In classrooms we often do some or all of these things only crudely, or overlook them altogether.
Best Friends
@26 November 2001
Your most valuable friend is an antagonist. Used wisely antagonism can be a tool for hacking the puppy fat off our souls. Youths rebel, not because they are certain but because they are lost. Experimenting with rejection, they discover what they most cherish (and thereafter become, all too often, immovably conservative adults). Travel in strange latitudes is a similar challenge, tempering some to tolerance, but others to the most brittle chauvanism.
Mind Traps
@10 November 2001
Almost any human being will work themselves to a standstill when the task is set at a certain level of simplicity. For myself, it has to be a suitable creative challenge. For the students I teach at the moment, it has to be the rote memorization and performance of a script. The slightest deviation towards requirig individual thought or initiative will see them collapse, rebel, paint their fingernails, reach for their mobile phone, or worst of all, yawn. Given a script to memorize though, they will bang their heads with determination, skip the coffe break, and compete to be first to "have it".
Team Player
@10 October 2001
The team player is the fellow who last had an original idea on his first day in kindergarten They laughed at him, and he has never forgotten.
@9 October 2001
Downsizing is that process in organzations of firing the brave, the articulate and the innovative, of cowering the clock-watchers, and of removing any threat to the bum-lickers.
The Laws of Incompetence
@9October 2001
In any job needing significant knowledge, logic, imagination, or fine judgement, most actors do it badly. Since the remaining jobs are generally left for the simplest folk, they too are often so-so efforts. From this tide of incompetence almost every organization quickly sinks into a parking lot for absent minds. Only the threat of reform will rouse passions: savage resistance.
Love and Teaching
@9 October 2001
Teaching is like love. The nervous are poor performers.
123. The Making and
the Praying
@17 June 2001
Women pray to gods. Men invent gods, trash gods, and fight over them.
122. Putting it all
@15 June 2001
The raw materials of a human life are Time + Perception + Effort. From these we may construct a family, a house, a drinking party, or a novel. Who is to say that one outcome is worth more than another?
121. The Economics of
@ 12 May 2001
There is money in stupidity. A large part of all economic activity is about extracting cash from the gullible, the ill-informed or the lazy. This is not always a bad thing since the overall availability of many of goods & services probably depends upon a large market, that is, a congregation of fools. Without it, everyone would be worse off.
120. Owning A
@30 April 2001
With a little self-delusion, a man can seem to own everything, excepting only his own face. My own face constantly surprises and dismays me. Who has the lifetime lease on this thing? The cleaning lady, the leaders of the nation, those I work and fight with, are all familiar faces, whose contours and textures of meaning are easily placed. Yet to myself I am the perpetual stranger. What makes it so?
@16 April 2001
Almost everyone admires what they are told to admire, and despises what custom tells them to despise. They believe what they are advised to believe, and doubt what rumour whispers they should doubt. This submission holds regardless of a person's cleverness or the price of their education. The full weight of every culture, from examinations, to employment prospects, to grandma's approval is directed at ensuring that the socially approved is seen to be right and good. Democracy's horrid little secret is that most human beings are paid up subscribers to totalitarian conformity. Heaven help the man or woman who says that the earth is not flat.
118. The Long and the
Short of It
Happiness is word-captured only in
song and verse.
Hell can be described in detail, catalogued by concentration
camp accountants; it's the bread & butter of journalism.
Happiness is
fleeting, pain endures.
117. The
Future of War
In the late twenty-first century, wars will be fought not so much against countries as against companies.
Whom the soldier must shoot, the priest will castrate with virtue for his Caesar's pleasure.
The problem confronting all ambitious men (and women!) on grasping power is how to discourage upcoming competitors. Ruthless opportunism which has been so successful for the winner must be discounted somehow. Uneasy rests the head that wears the crown, and never more so than in a community without rules.
Those tyrants who are wholly consumed by their misanthropy will rule by terror, but this is a miserable business which often leads to a bad end for the persecutor. The smartest victor is he who upon attaining supremacy by any means, disarms the opposition with virtue. In this he will be hugely assisted by nature. The young are instinctively idealistic, and if that idealism can be attached to some dogma which buttresses authority and discourages heresy, then his position is almost ensured. Only the most avid and unprincipled amongst the ambitious will then seek to depose him. They will be few enough in number to manage.
In traditional societies, of which there are still many, religion and moral philosophy in their roles of virtuous socializers, are more important allies for the autocrat, or for the privileged classes, than the most viciously repressive police and military force. Whom the soldier must shoot, the priest will castrate with virtue for his Caesar's pleasure.
All modern states, large bureaucracies, mass education systems also adopt and apply the paradigm just described. However in fluid, industrial and post-industrial societies things are rather more intricate than even the sprawling empires of old China. Instead of the priest or Confucian scholar, a twelve to twenty year mass education system inculcates obedience to a virtuous norm, its message reinforced with all the cunning of mass media.
Fortunately, the very complexity of this moral disarmament leaves it with untidy side effects. Sometimes indeed, sections of the people-monster turn feral and bring revolution down around the ears of patrons who have fed it tranquillizers.
Survival of the Lowest
Those of us who have encountered that family of industrial eumphemisms, "downsizing", "rationalization", "restructuring" etc. have relearned one of the iron laws of nature. In any critical contest for personal survival, it is the lowest forms of life which prevail at the end of the bloodbath.
114. The Real
The real social legitimacy of a government is well measured in its corruption index. Most citizens of the People's Republic of China will tell you privately that there is not an honest official in the country. Most citizens of the European Union are not surprised to learn that 10% of the Union's budget is embezzled annually.
And the social legitimacy of companies? Fraud costs Australian companies twenty billion dollars annually, affecting one in two companies.... [KPMG Accountant's report 27-7-97]
Flexible Truths
@16 December 2000
The average perception of truth is conditioned by its cost, and comfort zone of those who have permission to judge it.
112. Tooth and
@24-5- 0
Behind every MacBeth is a Lady MacBeth
111. The
A teacher is that rare individual
who can coax the existing knowledge systems of his students out of hiding, drag
every last tentacle of the monster from the depths into broad daylight, hose off
the slime, wrestle it to the ground when it puts up a fight, and finally give it
a heart transplant.
110. Nation States
and other extremities
The state as an instrument of power will always be hostile in its purpose and ultimately corrupt in its methods.
109. Sex and
Power is a primitive instrument of social organization, which for humans in the mass is mainly sourced in a struggle for sexual supremacy.
108. Average
The acid bath of fear will quickly reduce an average man to average savagery, whatever the price of his suit.
107. Immortal
The notion that a human spirit is finite in time is extremely unpopular and therefore scarcely believed.
A liar comes naked to the court of
history. That's your god's history. History written by mortal men .... well
Chasing happiness is like trying
to catch leaves falling from a tree on a windy day. Sometimes they touch your
face in passing, but it is almost impossible to catch them if you
104. The Obvious
The human world is made for
average people, because most people are average. Are you average?
103. The Good and the
Moving most people to goodness or
badness is a short-term and rather simple enterprise. Trying to bind them there
is as futile as sewing silk soles on marching boots. So much for
102. Market
Market forces are not pure spirits
ruling from an olympian height. They are emergent conditions from the
mathematics of complex systems. They can be and are skewed by human scheming in
ever more erratic ways.
101. The Art of
How does a writer differ from the
language makers all around him, the cacaphony of chatterers? By writing a
symphony. The disproportions of our conversation are artless, for where there
are patterns they are unconscious, and where there is significance, it is
selfish. The writer is able to create patterns of disporportion which fashion a
new meaning from old information.
100. Free
Language is the world's only truly
democratic institution. Right from wrong in speech is always decided by common
99. Cementing the
bones of Truth
Faith in Authority cements the
bones of Everyman's Truth
98. Making it easy to
be good
A successful society - meaning one
which offers the greatest fulfillment to the greatest number - is likely to be
one in which virtue is made easy. ... It must be made advantageous and easy for
your average timid soul to act professionally, honestly and humanely in his
daily life.
97. Moir-pattern
Racism is the twentieth century
name for tribalism, and tribalism has been at the core of moral/social systems
since our ancestor-apes had social troupes. If you're in you are human/simian,
and if you are an outsider, then you are a threat to the group, tribe, class or
96. Pyramid
In a world that is too clever, too
rational, and too unsympathetic, the way for the psyche to climb out of such
awful responsibilities has always been to build a hierarchy. You must have
someone above to carry the can, and someone below to kick in the
All ideologies are equally
corrosive to the submissive mind.
You can trust even a good man just to the limits of his understanding. Beyond that it's pure faith, yours and his.
93. The History of
After potentates and their minions
had exhaused their health on wine, women and religion, it was fashionable to
throw a quid to a handful of eggheads in the name of civilization. The
potentates nowadays tend to be supplanted by tobacco companies, or paper empire
builders in public ministries. The net result is the same: a tyranny of
92. A Very Old
Religion is the world's oldest
multi-level marketing (MLM) racket.
91. The Self at a
Those parts of themselves which men and women do not wish to take responsibility for, they project onto the clouds in the sky and call God.
Having constructed this dialectic
with a distant relative, they can then take orders which a more sober self might
find foolish, too wise for modesty, or even barbarous.
90. The Company
Trans-national companies don't
even pretend to be accountable to local national interests, but they have
captured the ambitions of scoundrels whose grandfathers would have asked a
common man to die for king and country.
89. The Pathologies
of Culture
All cultures -- every one of them
-- has features that are admirable, and all of them have social pathologies
which cripple, maim and sometimes overwhelm them. By social pathology I mean an
embedded feature of any cultural belief or practice which is ultimately
destructive of both individuals and groups.
88. The
The duel, not so long out of
fashion in all its chauvinistic stupidity, was a prime token of the idea that
love equals honour. To have two men fight to the death for you must be the
ultimate obsequience to female ego. The codes of business and sporting practice
are barely disguised replacements. Madonna's Material Girl, even in satire, is
in direct line of descent from the demure wealthy ladies who would have their
suitors hack each other to death. Sexual contests are primeval, and I suspect
they still have much to do with war.
As soon as a manager knows that
you are beyond their competence to manage, unless they have a particularly
generous spirit, you are a marked man.
86. Global
Globalization, a euphemism for
international piracy in the context of much trans-national industry, has been
identified as a new moral order by all major players of the political classes.
This is an act of political cowardice. We faced almost the same issue a century
ago, with the early bucaneers of the industrial revolution.
85. Hierarchy and the
An obsession with hierarchy is the
hallmark of defensive mediocrity the world over.
84. The Managerial
The Managerial Class has the same
role of mindless enforcement as cops suppressing political protest on a street,
or mafia hitmen preserving "the family's territory" from enroaching
83. Plain
To ask plain people to do fancy
things is to invite hpyocrisy, recrimination and illusions of
82. The Wages of
There is almost no limit to what men and women will pay to indulge a vice, up to and including their own lives.
When it comes to supporting a virtue all generosity flees, and every last cent is counted as a cost.
Perhaps it follows that the only
rational way to do good deeds is to fund them from the wages of
A vastly overrated activity, wrapped in so much cultural tissue paper that we rarely get down to bare essentials. The bones of it are that the planet, whoever stands in for god nowadays, and spectators from the animal kingdom .. no longer need us to procreate in large numbers.
There is a physical compulsion to sexual release, probably best satisfied by the paired intercourse of two lovers. Lacking that, one quick wank a day and there goes romance for another twenty-four hours. End of story.
[related stories: The Connundrum of Men &
Women / The Inside
Track on Happiness /
Fountain of Youth / Letter to an Imaginary Lady .. ]
A politician is someone who
manipulates the flow of information for private gain. A statesman is one who
manipulates it for perceived public good. Nevertheless, both are
79. The Wellsprings
of Policy
The mountain was made of paper by
office glugs in response to a postcard from the Great Pandjundrum. The Great
Panda had been on a two week study tour of the brothels of London, with a half
day side trip to the Ministry of Education. And therefrom the next revolution in
Education, being the abolition of Education, was solemnly declared to be best
practice for all the young glugs in Ozzidom.
Reality is 40% matter and 60%
77. Melbourne
Melbourne is a city of women
swathed in black. Glued like blowflies on the windows of coffee shops, rolling
along the aisles of supermarkets, inflated like black plastic rubbish bags on
the pavements, with disembodied pasty faces bobbing under
76. Dream without
She is an Indian child in a cheap
cotton frock, perhaps nine years old. She is talking rationally, humanely, and
her feet are burning. Her knees are burnt to stumps by the time I wake
75. The Paradox of
Action without limits, thought
without boundaries .. leads to confusion rather than innovation. It is as if
that wonderfully complex computer program wired into our brains needs a set of
constants, clear parameters, before it can be put to effective use. Maybe that
is why they invented god, to set the outer limits of human
74. Unfinished
Life is a tapestry of unfinished
73. Pseudo scientific
Parliamentary and bureaucratic
process apes the processes of scientific enquiry. The difference of course is
that the scientist works with a null hypothesis. That is, he seeks to disprove a
proposition by testing it to destruction. However, the politician and
burearucrat seek to bolster prejudiced or established decisions with the form,
but not the substance of genuine enquiry.
"Idea" as an artifact to be
located in a "mind", is a cultural construct. For example, before the
seventeenth century in Europe, "idea" was often a property of godhead, not of
the individual;(Boulton 1991). A human being in this schema was a sort of radio
transmitter and largely an automatom for the will of God (or occasionally for
evil spirits). Such a belief is still widespread.
71. The Cynic and the
"A cynic knows the price of
everything and the value of nothing".
- Oscar Wilde
TM : A romantic
knows the value of everything and the price of nothing.
Problem: who is the
greater menace?
70. In Defence of
Power Lust
It may even be that power lust is
the narcotic that nature provides to prettify burdens of office which none would
otherwise aspire to.
69. The Rise of One
The unseen engulfing tyranny of a
monstrous single god would prove to be transportable to almost all human
societies, difficult to reason against, perilous to ridicule and a standing
defence for patriarchial authority everywhere. The focus of religion had clearly
moved from the need to balance parallel worlds of the natural and supernatural,
to a requirement to propitiate a remote authority.
68. To Be a
I am a teacher. My business is
improving other people's lives. If you tell me that my mission is outdated, that
the client is not the individual but "industry", then I say to you that
"industry" is a phantom. I have never sat a Mr Industry down with a smile and
coaxed him to understand anything. My clients are men and women with limitations
which would have been familiar to Aristotle or the Gautama
67. Empires of the
The trouble with living inside
your own head is that you become conditioned to being master of the universe.
Within this heroic sphere you body never betrays your mind, the cussedness and
stupidity of other beings is always under control, you are never confronted with
the possibility that you have got it wrong and the other guy has a better handle
on what to do next.
66. Institutional
Rambo is not about a hero in the
sun, but a desperate projection for grovelling shoals of "team-spirited"
employees and their mediocre managers who have never made a principled,
independent decision in their lives. For two thousand European years, Rambo was
a biblical David who fought a Goliath, and the snivelling mortals went once a
week to refresh their fantasy world and fragile self-respect in a little chuch
on the hill. Now they have video. It comes to the same thing.
65. Team
The motherhood template for a personnel officer in any interview nowadays requires candidates to genuflect to "team spirit". Having spat, crossed myself and said the alphabet backwards a few times when this comes up, I pause to wonder what it means.
Mostly, taking life experience as
a template, team spirit means accepting whatever crap is poured on your head and
slurping it up. It means sacrificing your own manifest self interest for the
nebulous survival strategies of dim middle managers.
64. Lonely
The courage that I admire is one
which withstands subtle fears. This is the bravery of a fine mind facing
hopeless odds. The spririt whose flame pierces every veil of deception and
temptation, who seeing the full awfulness of what awaits the defiant and the
easy rewards of complicity, still chooses to stand alone.
63. Executioners of
the Creative Mind
The one thing which is anathema to
the Platonic fixer, the Jesuitical conspirator, is that flawed brilliance which
we find in the truly creative mind. Being mere mirrors themselves, possessing no
radiant power of judgement or creation, they take now this fragment of a
reflected idea, now that, as the premise to their amoral opportunism of the
moment. They magnify the petty, the vindictive and vengeful, as well as the
luminous, generous and warm, so that the proportions of truth are lost
62. Bubble
We all travel in bubble cars which
seem from the driver's seat to travel the Milky Way. How fragile these personal
bubbles are, even as bubbles within bubbles. For the very concept of, say,
Australia is another bubble floating on the edge of a whirly-whirly in
hyperspace. Go up thirty thousand feet in an aeroplane, look out the window at
that moonscape on the way to Darwin, and ask yourself if this is really the
territory of your spirit's possession.. ?
61. A Fear of
They must wait behind the shadows
of old pains, in the corridors of despair we try to seldom visit, and beneath
the facades of fear we will not look upon. But it only takes an unexpected quiet
moment for loitering demons to emerge from the corners of our minds, and wreak
their havock.
60. Whose
The goal of every individual is to
maximize their perceived value. Whose perception? What value? Ah, that's up for
59. Supermarket of
the Spirits
There usen't to be much choice
about it. You took the religion of your fathers or you burned, if not on the
stake, at least in hell. That's a proposition still facing a large segment of
the world's population in one form or another. Yet in the heartlands of our
post-industrial cultures you can take your pick in the supermarket of the
58. The Wanting of a
The young woman encouraged me to
talk. Every anecdote was a matter of admiration, every opinion was greeted with
"absolutely". At last, becoming weary of my own virtue (an extensive topic), I
sought to colour her own background with enquiry and a little mischievous irony.
Her confidence dissipated, her personality dissolved. An opinion, wrung out, was
qualified by what X and Z were thinking... I tried to let her down gently with
benign neglect. How could she know that I was still looking for my
57. Journeys Towards
The most powerful motivator in my life has been a superstition whose possible truth I have felt unable to evade. The superstition was that if I made closing commitments, such as those towards a career, or raising children, then I would be defined for all time at one point in the spectrum of human conditions. The fear that I would lose the capacity to surprise Fate herself, by finding new abilities, achieving unachievable goals, by redifining myself in unsuspected ways.
I have always sought out
borderlands of the spirit, the edges of cultures and nations, where one might
slip beyond the known self and grow, even where growth seemed most desolate.
Being never entirely complete, one could never entirely be captured, and might
somehow escape on a journey towards infinity.
Listen first to all living things,
and tend their needs.
Next listen to the wind in the trees, and respect its
If your hearing is still hollow and contentment brief, then, if you
must, find a god or join a football club.
55. Decency &
Religion is often a gross
interference in the business of being a decent human being.
There are those who listen
alertly, feeling that civilization requires them to act in an approved manner,
and those who compulsively force others to match the appearance of their own
values. A free spirit must somehow survive the pressure of both
53. Clever
The largest percentage of work
produced by clever people is ingenious nonsense. Luckily most of it never gets
past the indifference of the public, or the enmity of rivals. That small part of
ingenious creation which does engage the time and fortunes of others is by no
means guaranteed, unfortunately, to be useful rather than mischievous. Those
mediocre minds who have always dominated management and accepted taste are
incapable of recognizing the intrinsic value of one complex proposition against
52. The Sock
He who visits the laundromat will
lose at least one sock.
51. Permission for
To give another permission for
kindness is a gift without measure, for the petty extortions of daily living
force all but the bravest into betraying their neighbours.
50. Take-Away Mental
People who want to be told what to
think are at least as thick on the ground at Melbourne University as they are on
the Ford production line. What, after all, do perfectly conditioned, very clever
lap-dogs have to do with the hunger and irreverence of a free ranging
49. Managing Who or
Managing What?
The first task of management is to
increase the human capital of an organization. Each employee is a special kind
of corporate share. As any investor knows the value of stock rests less in the
number of shares than in the growth potential of existing shares. Management
which is unable to multiply the growth of invested "human shares", or even
contributes to the dimunition in value of these shares has failed
48. Where Angels
I am eternally astounded by the
blissful self-confidence of inadequate human beings. The most worrying of these
creatures (who tend to be office girls, managers and professors of exotica)
actually judge you on an index of pig ignorant self-confidence. Like drunken
travellers on a mountain track, they sneer at the rider who is cold stone sober
enough to look over the precipice and shudder at the prospect of a slip.
47. Power
Power play is about the predatory
manipulation of rituals to which a significant number of people are
Competency is what you can do, isn't it? How about what you have to do, or would/wouldn't like to do, or might do or should do? Or what you can do today, but probably can't do tomorrow? Or what you could do if you had to, but don't have a good reason to do anyway?
Maybe competency is what you can
do, but all those other things are what muck it up in the real
45. Whose
I try to empower retrenched
garment workers with the wonders of nature's great questions, and the industrial
revolution's march into a brave new world. I cajole them to read a page of
something, and they think they have done "research". History is a story made on
the TV news. They wait passively for the dole cheque and notice of the next
"skill training course". It's cruel, the classroom games we play. They and I
live in such different worlds, such different mental landscapes. We react to
absolutely different meanings, yet in the end feel the same emotions. It is not
reason but its consequences which we share. Culture, perhaps, is not what you
feel, but how you arrive at those feelings.
44. A Culture of
A culture of corruption is never
quite felt to be normal, even in the most corrupted communities. Decency is
normal, but it is not sexy. Corruption for many has the illicit appeal of
smoking, drinking strong liquor, or carrying a gun. These are all tokens of
sexual bravado, cheap, shoddy tokens, but kitch always has a wide appeal. The
culture of corruption is nutured by a mass psychosis of arrested social
development. The whisper is that you are not really an adult until you are
43. Accidental
Most individuals live in a miasma
of confused impressions, momentary fragments of organization, accidental
relationships and unplanned outcomes. You can regiment them into an army,
whereupon a few will consider themselves progressed. You can stack them into the
hierarchy of a company or department, have them filling boxes or filling forms,
whereupon the majority will consider themselves vitally employed. What you
cannot do is to let them loose in the cavernous spaces of creative thought. Give
them leave to invent the wheel and they will turn to drink.
A writer externalizes internal
conversations. Is is true, I wonder, that those who never write have nothing to
say to themselves?
41. Creative
We learn to creative depth only
that in which we find beauty.
40. The Seeds of
Every successful community carries
within it cultural pathologies which, given the right conditions for growth,
will errupt like hormone-fed thistles and strangle the parent. Those pathologies
are, more often than not, official virtues in the dogma of the political
Finding a congenial level of
complexity best describes the quest for contentment. The tolerance for
complexity defines us as elements of a certain weight, and mismatched by
simplicity or cleverness we quickly become bored.
Most who take the name of "teacher" are d-grade actors mouthing the words of scripts which neither they nor their directors nor their charges understand.
37. Why
Democracy is not really most
useful for plumbing the wisdom of the masses. Rather, democracy is the best
known tool for bridling the inhumanity and arrogance, the hubris, the sheer
ignorance of leaders.
36. Democracy's
Democracy's main competition is not autocracy as such. The ungoverned tyrant is merely a criminal with more guns than anyone else. Rather, democracy's contest is with the ethereal authority of dogma: the omnipresent spectre of some god and its agents, the overriding dictum of a political tract like communism, national socialism, environmentalism, and so on. This enemy, this dogma, is a shape changer and parasite, apt to infect the most genial of hosts for the worthiest of reasons. The free spirit, judging each issue on merit, will be attacked from every camp as an opportunist. Wear that as a badge of honour. We have advanced far by seizing opportunities where the dead hand of dogma would have strangled the messenger.
Knowledge is an accident caught
out of the corner of the eye. Knowledge is a pattern of leaves seen suddenly,
the collision of two chance remarks, the brush of a hand that plumbs all
emotion. Knowledge is a swift observation in a twenty cent novel, a new taste of
fruit, a dream that is strangely important, a chance that was never looked
34. Fascism by any
other name
A fascist state is a communist
state that has privatized some of the crime.
If you have never failed, then you have never tested the door locks and bars on your mental cage. You are a simpleton.
I measure men and women by their style in failure. Does she throw a tantrum, retreat to astrology and cupie dolls, or blame her mother? Does he start a fight, get an ulcer or buy a Porche on time payment to hide the pain?
Failure is a whiff of mortality, a
healthy antidote to hubris. Stalk failure with a curious eye, give it a poke,
turn it over and look for its soft underbelly. If the failure is a dynamited
bridge, then get off the catwalk fast, and do a cool calculation on the cost of
rebuilding. If the failure is a knife in the dark, turn on the light and put up
a spirited fight. If the track is mined with boobytraps, cut another path
through the bush. If your hand shakes, your bones crack, your brain goes to mush
or your heart threatens to stop, then go for a long walk in the fresh air, eat a
hearty meal and laugh at an ant's very serious expedition up a
Compassion is finding the strength to give when nobody is applauding. It is kindness without a tax deduction. The compassionate heart holds that giving life is always a braver act than stealing it.
Compassion surprises every base
instinct, which having been cheated, conspire to whisper in the giver's ear that
he is a wonderful chap, a candidate for sainthood in the very least. The only
sure cure for this kind of vanity is to kill a cat, forget your wife's birthday
or swear at the tram conductor.
31. Power
Power is a clammy verb in noun's
clothing, a debilitating state of delusion, a wraith with many eager servants
but no master.
The level of hypocrisy endemic in
a culture is always directly proportional to the level of religious or
ideological fervour expected of the public.
29. On being
A boring fellow prefers running
and never watches TV. He doesn't know a cricket score from a zodiac chart, but
can tell you India's population to three decimal places. A boring man will talk
about the Kurdish rebellion on the Iraqi border, the price of coffee in Tokyo,
or a hydrogen engine he has heard about in Brazil. On the other hand, he hasn't
noticed your diamond ear ring, didn't respond when you mentioned the Zigwibble
rock group and actually yawns when you try to say something harmless about the
weather. In other words, he's a dork, and you can't imagine anyone who would
want to spend an hour in his company. Then he has the cheek to tell someone that
you are boring!
28. History and
History for the history books is
brewed from a toxic addiction to power. This poison is always newsworthy to the
chaps and sexy for the ladies. Civilization, on the other hand, is made by those
who are actually competent, compassionate and courageous.
27. Fatal
Women don't fuck nice guys. As a species they are biologically programmed to feed and breed with the bastard who is going to claw his way to the top of the horde. Therefore, while there are women there will always be a roaring trade in the killer instinct, there will always be wars.
I make these observations sadly, as a compulsive nice guy, with nearly fifty years of watching what women do, as opposed to what they say.
So how do the nice guys preserve
their recessive genes in the population? Mostly by guile. They buy studded belts
and go to heavy metal concerts for a couple of years to obtain advanced
qualifications in insensitivity. Luckily, as the deceived wives lose their
waistlines a few years later, these pseudo Gengis Khans trade their whipping
leathers for cardigans and bring up the kids. The women, in a rage of frustrated
sexuality, have to settle for breeding pit bull terriers and going to male strip
shows in the Leagues Club on Tuesday nights.
26. The Criminal
Definition: A criminal state is one in which the resources of the state are used to attack the interests, rights or welfare of private individuals in order to advance the personal interests of agents acting for that state. The criminality of personal advancement by an agent is sustained wherever it can be shown that benefit accruing to the agent exceeded benefit accruing to the community from his actions. "Benefit" is a matter for judgement by all affected parties, and might include, for example, the indulgence of personal revenge or sadism, as well as more conventional material advantage.
Proposition: By the defined criterion, all nation states are in some degree criminal organizations.
a) It is a natural right of any individual to oppose and evade the criminal elements of a nation state, however they are manifested.
b) It is a natural tendency of human populations to seek domicile in those states which offer the least degree of criminal interference in their lives.
c) As a geopolitical consequence
of a) and b), is in the strong national interest of relatively honest states to
seek the reform of relatively criminalized states.
25. Licence to
Political aspirants are
disproportionately a class of people who crave the right to kill
24. Dangerous
People will kill for their
absurdities. As an innocent youth I mistook satire as a comment on things past.
Ha. It's a nervous twitch at things to come.
23. Ideology is a
Trojan Horse
Every culture has some
pathological characteristics, and every ideology (amongst which I count
religions), no matter how benign its canon, finally becomes a vehicle for
sanctifying those pathological characteristics. An ideology is a doorway into
hearts and minds, and through that doorway, once opened, the agents of power and
opression will always travel.
22. Fickle
While a woman thinks she can seduce a man, as a fantasy game in her mind, every depth of friendship is possible. When she despairs of your sensual interest, betrayal is almost certain. She will sell her spent dream for a song to the first passing scoundrel.
21. Instant
I have a wonderful talent for
inspiring instant distrust in anyone who is seriously ambitious.
20. Communities of
On a Saturday I went to the South Stree Cinema. A theatre full of poor goblins, girls with vacant stares under the mascara, and young toughs with sylized swaggers; their fathers had that beaten stoop which comes from years of dull work and the betrayal of dreams. The brave goodie won and got the girl; the baddie had his head knocked off. The goblins clapped and bought more popcorn.
If I go to another part of town
the miasma of incoherence lifts, at least at corners, and in different ways in
different locales. They might be self-obsessed bohemians, or brushed-down
yuppies, or real estate agents, or businessmen with ulcers, but their houses and
shops and the air that they breathe are all resonant with the possibilities of
thinking beings. Somewhere deep in their heart of hearts they all know about the
goblins, govern their lives by the knowledge. The quality of our civilization
finally derives from their varied reactions. Some will wall out the masses with
money and a safe postcode, some will arm themselves with political deceptions,
some will exploit and some, eternally optimistic, will strive to raise all men
and women to economic or social equality.
What do I think of feminism? If
you ask me about a basic-level issue like equal pay for equal work, then you
have my wholehearted endorsement. If you are talking about some superordinate,
nebulous thing like the Feminist Movement, then I think that it is mostly
ideological claptrap, and a career vehicle for middle-class
18. The honest
What most "traditional indigenes" finally want in a
television age is a television set. In fancy words, they want empowerment to
build a new cultural home.
Love? I've heard rumours about
that, but never met it. I figure it belongs to a certain class of fable along
with Santa Clause, God and the Tooth Fairy.
Once a small number of muscle-bound thugs would try to dominate their village with their fists.
Now an infinitely larger number of
moral and physical weaklings seek to dominate their village and the world with
guns. Guns have equalized the opportunity for every mean spirit to wreak havock
15. Love or
"Although I have the gift of
And understand all things,
If I have no love
Nothing do I
Lyric from the film, Three Colours Blue
I sometimes think that the
defining ambivalence of our culture is a wish that the lyric were true, and the
fear that it might be. Who doesn't dream of love, meaning perhaps the best of
all possible worlds at no personal cost, no demand to give up the freedoms we
savour; the comfort of a partner who is always there, matching our moods, never
sick, never disagreeable.. How we fear that such an idyll might never come to
pass, and that we should return to dust as insignificantly and unmourned as we
arrived. So love rates along with religion as a cultural conspiracy to keep at
bay the final, lonely confrontation with death.
14. In contempt of
From the earliest times religion
and moral philosophy have been used as vehicles for persuasion, equally by good
people and by scoundrels. The good would have been good with or without
religion. The scoundrels have been given an impenetrable cover for their
hypocrisy. Since the corruptible always outnumber the fair-minded in governments
and instrumentalities of power by a wide margin, it is scarcely surprising that
the net effect of religion has been a negative one.
13. Of ideology and control
An ideology is a set of ideas for
governing values, decisions and actions. With a following of one, an ideology is
relatively harmless. Where two are believers, one man invariably has power over
the other. As a cult for millions, the ideology will sway and drive them like a
herd of cattle, and he who weilds the dogma weilds the whip.
Innocence and government
All governments without exception
are, were and forever will be criminal organizations in some degree. It cannot
be otherwise since a government is a mighty enterprise, carrying the hopes,
dreams, illusions, ambitions and values of countless individuals.
11. Cultural
For a long time it has seemed
self-evident to me that cultures, like individuals, suffer from pathologies. We
could say in fact that all cultures have tendencies (different for each culture)
which when taken to an extreme, result in large scale social
10. The Heart of the
To solve a conundrum, argue in
contrastive directions. Where the lines of inference intersect we can identify a
core of propositions, facts or conclusions.
(.. derived from the film, The
Pelican Brief)
9. Prescription for
Find out what you are good at.
Decide what you really like doing.
Figure out how to make a living at
one of the above.
- student at Northern Rivers CAE,
There is a sacrament wherever wry men meet. - [TM, The Last Cockatoo, 1988]
7. Marriageable
Like locusts who'd munched their
Through rich pastures of indulgence,
The horde sighed.
A mighty
rustling it was, a gloss of plumage,
A perfumed tide of young things
cast around for a male
To feed and breed with.
[TM, Silver Screen,
6. Ghost
My days are populated with
I am their only medium of exchange.
[TM, The Painted Path,
Heather, dashed yellow, sky
Falling blue, hill slips faced with moss,
Thin wooden houses like
glued matchboxes
Stacked in crooked tiers to applaud
Their men in from the
sea, and now
Her giant engines have dropped low
To a growl, the liner
slips to haven.
[TM, The Imigre,
Flirting is the weapon with which
a woman stakes out her territory and secures her self respect. By proving that
she still has the power to draw attention and induce men to compete for her
favour she establishes a kind of personal validation that concurs with her
biological role.
3. First
Dark hair falling about her bright
Waiting for a kiss,
And the first pain of doubt in her
[TM, Silver Screen,
2. Cleen
Funny, isn't it, how even dangerous men clean their teeth after dinner.
[TM, Wide Worlds,
1. Blow us
Blow us away, my stormtrooper of
the army of dreams,
Lay us out in rows to moulder.
Who will be left in
this Valhalla of brave poses
To wash the dishes, comrade,
When the moon
sets over the crimson grass?
[TM, Firepower,
"Thor's Aphorisms" © copyrighted to Thor May; all rights reserved 2002
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