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*Print Publications - Thor May, 2001
*see also extensive Internet publications at
Thor May telephone: +82-51- 545 9484 Lecturer in English Language e-mail: Sungsim College of Foreign Languages Internet site: http// 249 Bansong-Dong, Haeundae-Ku
Pusan 612743, South Korea
last update: January 2001
20. "Apprentice Literacy - Designs for a Bonfire of the Vanities", in FINE PRINT (Journal of the Victorian Adult Literacy & Basic Education Council Inc.), Vol. 20, No.4, December 1997; pp3-7.
19. "Is There a Star to Steer By? - Fourteen Points on the TAFE Mission", in CAMPUS REVIEW (a weekly newspaper for academics with Australian nationwide circulation) April 16-22 1997, p.13 (2000 words); also tabled in the Australian Federal Parliament, December 1996 as part of the Senate committee hearings on The Status of Teachers.18. CONSULTANT'S PROJECT REPORT: J.B.I. TECHNICAL ENGLISH PROGRAM at P.T. Koba Tin, Pulau Bangka, Indonesia, 22 April 1996; pp.1-26
17. CONSULTANT'S INTERIM REPORT: J.B.I. TECHNICAL ENGLISH PROGRAM at P.T. Koba Tin, Pulau Bangka, Indonesia, 15 April 1996; pp.1-20
16. "The National Reporting System: A Critique", in FINE PRINT (Journal of the Victorian Adult Literacy & Basic Education Council Inc.), Vol. 18, No.1, March 1996; pp21-24.
15. "Postsupposition to Pastiche Talk: Mediating Chaos and Order in Language";
WORKING PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS, Vol.14, 1994: 22pp. University of
Melbourne. Developed from a paper delivered at University of Melbourne
Postgraduate Linguistics Conference, May 1994.14. "Aspects of Repetition", WORKING PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS, Vol. 13, 1993: pp.79-90, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
13. "Purposive Constructions in English"; THE AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF
LINGUISTICS, Vol.10, No.1, 1990: pp.1-4012. "Verbs of Result in the Complements of Raising Constructions"; AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS, Vol.7, No.1, June 1987: pp.25-42
11. 10. Review of Newman, J (1985) WORKBOOK IN SOUTHEAST ASIAN
LINGUISTICS, pub. SEAMEO; AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS, Vol.6, No.2, December 1986: pp.297-29810. "Plain Speaking: the 1989 Fiji National Oratory Contest"; FIJI ENGLISH
TEACHERS' NEWSLETTER, August 1989; 9pp. (Pitched at teachers. I was a judge in the contest).9. "Evaluating Linguistic Difficulty"; TESOL NEWS, Vol.8, No.3,1987: pp.24-33 (Pitched at teachers).
8. "This is Your Problem, Friend, Not Mine: Towards a Solution for Formal Language Errors in Papua New Guinea (& Elsewhere)"; published by RELC in ADVICE FOR TEACHERS, July 1986: pp.1-10; (Regional English Language Centre, Singapore; originally delivered at the TESLA Conference, Goroka, PNG, in July 1985. Pitched at teachers).
7. WORKING PAPERS, SOLOMON ISLANDS LANGUAGE PROJECT; (Northern Rivers College of Advanced Education, 1983. 180 copies x 61pages of English teaching resource materials distributed through primary school teachers in the Solomon Islands).
6. TRANSCRIPT FOR A LANGUAGE COURSE IN BANJALUNG, 1983; 31pp.; commissioned by Northern Rivers College of Advanced Education for Aboriginal teacher trainees.
5. "Language and Communications: A Linguist's Reply to Dr. Koji Kobayashi"; ELECTRONICS TODAY INTERNATIONAL, July 1984: pp.52-53
4. "English Language Teaching: a licence to poach resources", published in TESLA Newsletter of Papua New Guinea, 1985: 2pp.; ed. Angie Philip, Southern Regional Teachers College, P.O. Box 1216 Boroko, PNG
3. "The Price of Freedom"; AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY, October 1984; (factual account of a Vietnamese military officer's escape from Vietnam by boat, and its aftermath).2. "The Five Minute Future"; OMEGA magazine, April 1984; (a science fiction short story).
1. "When is a presupposition not a presupposition?" in WORKING PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS, 1979: 4pp.; University of Newcastle Linguistics Student's
Thor May 2001
26. THOR'S KOREA DIARY (September 2000 - current) An account of life in Pusan,
South Korea
25. THOR'S CHINA DIARY (August 1998-July 20000) An account of life in Wuhan, China (70,000 words +; book projected)
24. SHORT TEXTS FROM OZ; sixty-nine short texts for teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, plus questions and an introduction to the methodology of using short texts. Contains an index of all English words used (2850 vocabulary items); 133 pages. Ready for publication, excepting for glossaries and a table of idioms. Copyrighted to Thor May under the imprint of the Plain & Fancy Language Company, Australia, 1998.23. STUMPY AND THE DECISION TREE; daggy Internet-serialized blank verse + cartoons in Australian argot; continuing
22. TOM WILEY'S AUSTRALIA; serialized story (fictional) about an Australian man, designed to give advanced learners of English some insight into life in Australia from at least one point of view. Fifteen thousand words (34 episodes) written to date (February 1999). The final document should be double this. The intention is to publish this material with glossaries and idiom lists in a bilingual English-Chinese edition.21. TIME PASSING : an anthology of poems
20. ENGLISH FOR MECHANICS; teaching text with diagrams & a technical glossary, plus questions for oral response. In active preparation: 95 units written. Site licence for use of materials at P.T. Koba Tin, Indonesia, sold to John Batman Institute of TAFE in April 1996
18. THE ATHEIST'S CATECHISM, privately published by The Plain & Fancy Language Company, & on Internet; 50pp, 1997. [ .. a wry look at the nature of religious belief and disbelief].
17. GENERATIVE OSCILLATION: A COGNITIVE MODEL FOR THE EMERGENCE OF LANGUAGE, Vols. 1 & 2; 180pp; draft privately published by The Plain & Fancy Language Company, 1997; [being the unfinished dissertation from my discontinued PhD research (1991-94) at the University of Melbourne. Work will continue on this as time permits].
16. TIME PASSING: A MISCELLANY OF POEMS (1970-1995), privately published by The Plain & Fancy Language Company, 1996
15. "Loss", a short story; 3000 words; September 1996.
14. "The Sale of Tabu Soro - A Post-Colonial Parable"; August 1996
13. "Learning Our Lines: A Lesson For The Second Millennium?" a review of , David Hare's play 1. Skylight, Melbourne Theatre Company at the Fairfax Studio until 31 August, 1996.
12. THE WRONG ADDRESS - FRAGMENTS FROM AN AUSTRALASIAN LIFE, twenty prose-poems (autobiographical); privately published by The Plain & Fancy Language Company, 1995.
11. "Generative Oscillation: from phrase structure to discourse"; a model of cognitive processing, delivered at University of Melbourne Postgraduate Linguistics Conference, May 1993; 30pp.
10. "Unclever Talk: Mnemonic Resonance and God Knows What"; paper on speculations in discourse analysis, delivered at University of Melbourne Postgraduate Linguistics Conference, May 1992.
9. "Language in Suva : A Sociolinguistic Survey of an Urban Pacific Population"; paper delivered to the Australian Linguistics Society Conference, September 1990; monograph in preparation; based on a survey of 834 Suva residents in selected census wards. Supported by University of the South Pacific research grant. 9pp + 8 pages of tables + 7 page research proposal + letter of funding approval from Research Committee.
8. "Double-Cross"; (a 16,000 word radio play in twenty-six, three minute episodes for advanced learners of English. Written under contract to TAFE, Newcastle, 1983).
7. "Script Theory", University of Newcastle, NSW, 1979: 39pp.; early exploration of discourse analysis; subsequently taken up in second Ph.D. study at the University of Melbourne in 1990.
6. "The Lexical Nature of Thematic Features", University of Newcastle NSW, 1984:20pp; extract from unfinished first Ph.D. thesis; further editing required.
5. "Inherent Features as Constituents of Grammatical Agency", University of Newcastle NSW, 1984: 18pp.; extract from unfinished first Ph.D. thesis; further editing required.
4. "The State of State", University of Newcastle NSW, 1984: 13pp.; extract from unfinished first Ph.D. thesis; further editing required.
3. "Experiments in Linguistics for Teachers", University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, 1988: 8pp.; paper on experimental method; in preparation.
2. A number of privately circulated commentaries up to 10pp. each on a range of topics, from international relations, to conflict resolution, to ESL curriculums.
1. A miscellany of materials published on several Internet sites, including some of the above, but much else in addition. Equivalent to many hundreds of A4 pages overall.
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