barebones ©Thor May 2001 back to barebones index
All the materials in barebones are working teaching documents
subject to review, alteration or abandonment in classroom practice.
Anyone is welcome to use this stuff, but copyright remains with
Thor May. Feedback, positive or negative, is very welcome.ESL materials & ideas developed in Korea
Popup English
Numeracy - Hotel Bills
Hotel Bills - Teaching Notes1. The impact of materials like this can be multiplied by giving them a dramatic context. For example, an American guest has just collected his bill from the front desk. He takes it back to his room to check. He finds errors (very annoying), and calls the front desk on the house phone. You (the student) are working in reception that day. You take the call and jot down the numbers which the guest quotes over the phone. Be careful! If you make another mistake, he will be furious.....
2. Speak each number clearly, twice only. Putting a limit on repetitions encourages students to listen with care.
Hotel Bill 1
note: students to calculate all totals
(encourage mental arithmetic rather than using a calculator)
Item TotalRoom x 3 nights
@ 41,000 won per night123,000
43,000 Meals 92,420 Drinks
37,000 sub total 295,420 10% tax 29,542 Total (won) 324,962
Hotel Bill 2
note: students to calculate all totals
(encourage mental arithmetic rather than using a calculator)
Item TotalRoom x 4 nights won
@ 82,000 won per night328,000
72,000 Meals 211,000 Drinks
81,000 sub total 692,000 10% tax 69,200 Total (won) 761,200
Hotel Bill 3
note: students to calculate all totals
(encourage mental arithmetic rather than using a calculator)
Item TotalRoom x 3 nights won
@ 237,000 won per night711,000
64,000 Meals 329,405 Drinks
127,060 sub total 1,231,765 10% tax 123,176.5 Total (won) 354,941.5
Hotel Bill 4
note: students to calculate all totals
(encourage mental arithmetic rather than using a calculator)
Item TotalRoom x 7 nights
@ 118,000 won per night816,000
192,000 Meals 198,700 Drinks
73,000 Laundry 15,000 sub total 1,294,000 10% tax 129,400 Total (won) 1,423,400
"Hotel Bills " copyrighted to Thor May 2001; all rights reservedback to barebones index