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Rebecca Changes Jobs

Hi Thor,

Thanks for your congratulations [..over getting a new job ..]. I don't know how much time I will be in this new company and I also don't know whether I could do a good job. As I mentioned [.. in my last letter..], it is not too good to change jobs very often, so far as I am concerned. So it's hard to imagine that you have had over 40 jobs.

How to make yourself happy? I often ask myself. We have already discussed it. The key is how you think. That is to say, when you feel that you are happy, then you are a happy man even though you have nothing to eat. On the contrary, if you are always upset, you will never feel happy though you eat nice dishes of every kind every day.

Why am I leaving my present company? I think one of the reasons is that I couldn't get along well with my manager. She is 21 years old. Frankly speaking, she is tricky and odd. She wants  to be respected by everybody and always asks others to do things according to her will whether it's wrong or right. Well, even if her decision is not correct, I have to do that. Of course, I would then be blamed by my boss in headquarters. It is unfair. Have you ever faced it?

I'll begin my new job from next Monday. I'll come to know other colleagues and new bosses. I don't know how I'll get along with them. Maybe I will have to learn it specially.

How I wish I could come back school. To study and make friends freely without thinking... and where I would never have to think what I was going to say before I wanted to say it ...

Maybe I worry too much...

Good luck for you and me!

yours, rebecca

"Rebecca Changes Jobs" copyrighted to Thor May 2000; all rights reserved

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