Q&A Game  -- Set 6

Thor May

1. How do I open this thing?
1a   How should I know? => Aren't you good at mechanical stuff ?
1b.  You have to push it in, then turn it =>  Why do they make it like that?
2.  Are you on a diet?
2a.  No, why do you ask?  => Well, why aren't you eating anything ?
2b.  As a matter of fact, I am  => How long have you been doing it ?
3.  Who was calling you?
3a.  Well, that's my business  => What's the big secret ?
3b.   It was that boy from Trade again  => You like him, don't you ?
4. Where did you buy that ring?
4a.  Oh, it was some place in the city => Don't you know its name ?
4b.  Someone gave it to me =>  Ah, who's the new boyfriend then ?
5.  Are you playing football on Saturday ?
5a.  Well, it depends => Well are you, or aren't you ?
5b.  No way => What's the problem ?
Mixed Up
1. About three weeks, but I keep cheating
2.  Oh, he's OK I suppose
3.  I told you : it depends. I might have to go to Ulsan.
4.  I think it begins with 'N', but that's not much help, is it
5.  It is supposed to be child-proof
6.  Curiosity killed the cat
7. You are too nosey.
8. That torn  tendon is still giving trouble
9.  I'm a secretary, not a mechanic
10.  I'm just not hungry
Notes : unmarked = OK; # = possible, but unusual
Acceptable for Set 6 : | 1a) 9  | 1b) 5 | 2a) 6#, 7#, 10  | 2b) 1 | 3a) 6, 7  | 3b) 2, #6, #7  | 4a) 4 | 4b) 6, 7  | 5a) 3 6#, 7#  | 5b) 8  |

Q&A Game  -- Set 6
Mixed Up
1. About three weeks, but I keep cheating
2.  Oh, he's OK I suppose
3.  I told you : it depends. I might have to go to Ulsan.
4.  I think it begins with 'N', but that's not much help, is it
5.  It is supposed to be child-proof
6.  Curiosity killed the cat
7. You are too nosey.
8. That torn  tendon is still giving trouble
9.  I'm a secretary, not a mechanic
10.  I'm just not hungry
a. I'm a secretary, not a mechanic
b. It is supposed to be child-proof
c. I'm just not hungry
d. About three weeks, but I keep cheating
e. You are too nosey.
f.  Oh, he's OK I suppose
g. I think it begins with 'N', but that's not much help, is it
h. Curiosity killed the cat
i. I told you : it depends. I might have to go to Ulsan.
j. That torn  tendon is still giving trouble
Notes : unmarked = OK; # = possible, but unusual
Acceptable for Set 6 : | 1a) 9  | 1b) 5 | 2a) 6#, 7#, 10  | 2b) 1 | 3a) 6, 7  | 3b) 2, #6, #7  | 4a) 4 | 4b) 6, 7  | 5a) 3 6#, 7#  | 5b) 8  |

"Question & Answer Set 6" © copyrighted to Thor May; all rights reserved 2002

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