Q&A Game  -- Set 2

Thor May

1. Do you smoke?
1a  Certainly not! => Why not ?
1b. Sure I do =>  Why ?
2.  Do you thing Korea will win the next World Cup?
2a.   Yes, maybe => What makes you think so?
2b.   They haven't a chance =>  Why do you say that?
3.  Would you like to leave now?
3a.  No, not yet =>  Why not?
3b.   Yes, let's get out of here =>  What's the big hurry?
4. What do you think about that guy?
4a.   I think he's an idiot =>  What have you got against him?
4b.   I think he's fabulous=> Why do you think he's so great?
5.  How would you like to have dinner with her?
5a.  No thanks => Oh, what's the problem?
5b.  Mm, now that would be nice => Ah, why are you so attracted?
Mixed Up
1. They have no discipline
2.  He always says dumb things
3.  I don't know. There's something special about her
4. She's just not my type
5.  Well, it's cool
6.  Um, he's just my kind of guy
7. The raw material is good. It just needs polishing.
8.  I'm having a really neat time
9.  I want to live to a ripe old age
10. The roads will be packed in an hour
Notes : unmarked = OK; # = possible, but unusual
Acceptable for Set 2 : | 1a) 9,   | 1b) 5  | 2a) 7   | 2b) 1 | 3a) 5#, 8  | 3b) 1#, 10  | 4a)  2  | 4b) 6  | 5a) 4  | 5b) 3 |


"Question & Answer Set 2" © copyrighted to Thor May; all rights reserved 2002

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