Father & Son Picture Stories  Thor May
based on Vater und Sohn wordless cartoons by Erich Ohser (1903-1944)
published in the PRC in Chinese 1989  isbn 7-506-1920-6/J.74

F: See son, you have to give the ball a really strong kick like this.

S: Gee, you are a good kicker dad. Now I'm going to kick it really hard.

F: OK, I'll block. The goalkeeper has to block the ball .... oh darn .... I missed again

S: Wah! Dad! The ball has gone into a hole.

F. Oh dear. It has gone down that manhole. Don't worry, I'll fetch it.

S: Daddy! Where are you? Please come back.

F: [bang!]  Ouch! Here, take your ball. If you kick the ball down there again, I'll throw you after it!

S: What's that lump on your head daddy? Are you going to die? Wah! Don't die daddy.

F: There, there. It's nothing to worry about. Come on, let's go home and have a hot chocolate.

"Manhole" © copyrighted to Thor May; all rights reserved 2002

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