1. F: Well son! This is the life! That's right -- keep your arms out like a bird flying. Keep your balance on the fence. See it's easy.
2. S: Hey dad! I'm going to be a famous acrobat. I want to work in a huge circus tent.
3. F: Now son, get ready for the big dive. Just think we're up on the high wire, and the crowd is roaring below us...
4. S: I'm going to fly! They are all waiting for us... Ready..... Set......
5. O: You two! Get off that fence
at once! It's against the regulations to walk on the fence. Why are you giving
a bad example to this child sir?
have to be strict with the younger generation ....
6. F: I'm sorry we upset you, officer.
7. O: Well don't let it happen again!
[2 minutes later]
8. F: Is he gone? Come on son, hop up on that fence again. Never let an idiot spoil your day.