A Day At The Beach  -  Thor May

ref. Heaton, "Composition Through Pictures", page 1

1. It is a beautiful day at the beach.

2. Many people are enjoying the sunshine.

3. One small boy is burying his father's legs in the sand.

4. Some other children are throwing a beach ball.

5. The ball knocks off a fat man's sunglasses.

6. The fat man is reading a newspaper.

7. Two other men are using a cine camera.

8. They are filming a life guard who is running to the water.

9. In the water a girl is waving her arms for help.

10. Maybe she is drowning.

11. Another three swimmers are swimming out to the raft.

12. The raft is already very crowded.

13. There seem to be about sixteen or more people on the raft.

Extra exercises

1. Tell the story from memory.

2. Who might ask these questions ? =>

What is going on over there?

Who is that guy running down to the water?

How many people do you think are on that raft?


3. Write this story again without looking at the text. Begin with the words "Yesterday ...."

4. Answer the questions in the picture story.

"A Day At The Beach" © copyrighted to Thor May; all rights reserved 2002

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